Thursday, August 02, 2018

its official...we have a teenager...

My Sweet B,
How in the world are you 13 today?  It just doesn't seem possible that you are officially a teenager, and yet when I look back you've pretty much been a teenager since you were two. You. my sweet girl, always keep me guessing...I never quite know what is going to come out of your mouth, sometimes it is wise and thought provoking, but more likely than not it is some goofy off the wall comment, that makes you giggle. You never take yourself too seriously, you are quick to laugh at your mistakes and make fun of yourself, but you have a strong work ethic and can buckle down and get stuff done when you need to. I have watched you become a strong athlete and a valuable teammate this year. You are there to pick up your teammates when they are down, and in return they are there for you in the same way. It has always been my philosophy that you get what you give in terms of friendship, and judging by the incredible people you have surrounding you, I think you're doing pretty darn well kid, keep loving fiercely, your heart is one of the most beautiful things about you. You are thoughtful and kind beyond your years and in between the fights with your brother. the rolling eyes and the goofy giggles I catch glimpses of the woman you are becoming, and it makes my heart happy. Watching you grow into a strong, confident, kind and loving young lady is one of the greatest joys of my life. You keep doing  you kid, because you is pretty amazing. 
Happy 13th my beautiful. sweet Brianna. May this year be the best year yet, I'm so glad I'm along for the ride.
Love always,

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