We are a meal plan family. I print out the calendar every month (sometimes a couple of months at a time) and we sit down and decide what we're having for dinner every day that month. Thursdays are always leftover days (because Friday is garbage day) but other than that...we don't really repeat any meals during the month. I have a list of probably 35-40 things my family will actually eat (they might not all be favorites..but in general they will eat what I put in front of them) We generally grocery shop for the entire month (although there is always trips for milk and fresh produce in the month as well) but for us this works...we save money on groceries by not making multiple trips during the week and by not eating out when we don't feel like cooking or when "there is nothing to eat". Now, that is not to say that we still don't occasionally decide that we don't want what is on the menu and swap it for another day or break down and get pizza or subs, but our meal plan drastically reduces those urges. I don't mind making dinner when I get home from work and don't first have to decide what to eat. Does anyone else make a meal plan? What are your favorite go-to recipes? I'm always looking for new things to try!
Oh...and in case you didn't notice...I posted some more cake pics on the cake/cookie page!
(sorry for the super random post...we just made our January meal plan and got groceries so it was on my mind) :)
1 comment:
I monthly meal plan too sister! I just started using a magnetic menu plan (cookie sheet and cut up strips of magnets - really classy... - but then I figured it saves me the writing and I can just reorganize the oldies based on schedule and then add new things as we want. We'll see how well it works...
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