Saturday, December 10, 2011

a reckless witch...

I received the third installment of the Modern Witch series by Debora Geary the day after Thanksgiving.  And while I normally devour this series in one sitting moments after receiving it, this time I was in the middle of another book and Christmas shopping.  Then, I started a new job so my reading time was drastically cut.  All of this to say, I would have read this in one sitting if I could have.  This was hands down my favorite one of the series so far.  I love seeing how the characters grow and change throughout the books. 

We once again get to catch up with all of our favorite witches and are introduced to a new witch Sierra.  She has been separated from the witching community for  her entire life and has now found her way back to them.  As the other witches get to know Sierra they discover she is a very powerful witch, so much so that even Sierra herself doesn't realize the magnitude of her power.  The downside to all of this is that Sierra's mother was a very reckless witch and didn't teach Sierra the safeguards necessary to protect those around her from her magic.  As the community tries to teach Sierra about being safe while using her magic they all learn a necessary lesson about finding a balance between safety and being free.

I think A Reckless Witch spoke to me so much because as a mom, I am constantly trying to find the balance of letting my kids be free to be who they are and to have fun, all the while trying to teach them to be safe and responsible and trying to protect them from things that can cause them harm.

Can I say again how much I LOVED this book?  Oh yeah, it is my I can.  I LOVED this book! I don't know what else to say other than go get yourself this series and read these books, this series just keeps getting better!

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