Monday, August 23, 2010

the jar...

Lately we've had a bit of a problem getting Brianna to pick up her room. Now, I am of the belief that it is her room and we are not expecting it to be spotless, but you need to be able to walk on the floor and find the bed back. I don't think that is too much to ask of a 5 year old. She can destroy her room in 5 seconds but whines and complains when we tell her it is time to pick up. She says it is too hard and she needs help. Usually this goes on and on and everyone gets mad, and nothing ever changes. So I had read somewhere (I can't for the life of me remember where or I would give credit)about a family that had a jar for each of their kids. They had a list of chores and how many marbles they were worth. When a chore was completed they got to put that many marbles in their jar. When the jar was full they were offered 3 options for a prize. Now we are going to scale that down a bit. The only thing we are working on is picking up her room before Bob gets home from work and me asking her to do it no more than 2 times. We have agreed that when her jar is full we will take her to Chuck-e-Cheese. I have no idea if this will work, but it is worth a shot. I am tired of fighting with her over this. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

1 comment:

abbie said...

This is such a good idea. We are getting closer to chores with Sam too so when problems arise, because I know that they will, I will have to remember this.