Wednesday, August 22, 2007

a quick post

Just a quick post since our wireless router has gone down which makes for a pain in the butt right now. So I'm doing this post from work...shhh...don't tell anyone!

Anyway, the 2nd annual Canoe-A-Palooza was wonderful...except for the part of missing a couple of people...(don't worry we drank a couple for you...Jenn & Marty!) The weather was absolutely perfect and we all had a great time. I'm already looking forward to next year! :)

The day after canoe-a-palooza we went to Moline to see Minus Six and to celebrate Alli's birthday. And I must mention that Thursday night before canoe-a-palooza we went to the bar to celebrate Ben's birthday (do you see a pattern for the weekend?). was a great weekend and it was wonderful to see everyone for a while.

We're trying to get back into the swing of things around home, what with all the traveling to different states we're doing!! :) There are a few new pictures up. And just so I don't leave you with a completely Brianna-free you go!

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