I knew you all were anxiously awaiting Brianna's latest stats...so here they are. She is now a whopping 16lbs 9oz (75th percentile for weight) and 25 1/2 inches (45th percentile for height). It is hard to believe that at her 1 month appointment she was in the 10th percentile for weight!! Its hard to remember just how small she was! :o) We took her to get her 6th month pictures taken yesterday. They were running WAY behind, so we had to wait for about an hour and by that time, she was starting to get cranky...but we got a couple of good ones.
Speaking of this...I just have to vent a little. We take her to JC Penny's to get her pictures taken and are members of the portrait club, cause its a decent price, etc, etc. They schedule their appointments 10 minutes apart, which frankly is not long enough when you have a child that can't smile on command, so this immediately puts them behind schedule. Add to this that they now have a policy that the photographer has to stand there while you make your decisions about which pictures you purchase. They had 2 photographers there, so at many points during the day they are both helping people pick out pictures, which leaves the studio empty and customers piling up. I realize they are trying to make money, but if they allowed extra time between appointments, I would think they would be able to stay a little more on schedule and thus, having happier children, thus having better pictures, and happier parents that would spend more money. And let people pick out their own pictures for crying out loud...I don't need to feel hurried and pressured while I'm trying to figure out which pictures I want and who I'm going to give them to. It doesn't make me want to spend more money, it makes me want to spend none at all!! OK, enough with my ranting.
Needless to say, Bob and I weren't completely overjoyed, but there were a couple of good ones of Brianna, but thats just because she's so cute anyway! :o)
OK, gotta get the house picked up so we can get ready to go to Ben & Amanda's for the Super Bowl. Its a good thing we planned on going over there and not having people here, because the receiver for our dish went out on Friday (we lost all the movies we had recorded on our DVR) and they will be shipping us a new receiver in 3-5 days. Great timing huh? OH, well...there are definitely worse things...
Everyone have a great Sunday, and hopefully I'll post again soon!
Love to all!
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