Tuesday, December 06, 2005

4 months old

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting my post all week, and I know I usually post on Sunday nights, but we were home approximately 10 minutes all weekend, and last night the site was beeing funky, so this is the first chance I've gotten to write anything. We spent the weekend in WI visiting some friends (hence the not being home all weekend). It was a wonderful and relaxing weekend and it was so great to see Jonas & Jen.

Besides that, as you can tell from the title of this post, Miss Brianna turned 4 months old on Friday. She had her checkup on Friday as well. Bob ended up taking her by himself, as I was swamped at work. She now is weighing in at a whopping 14lbs 6oz and and giagantic 24 inches long! She also had to get 4 shots again...boo :o( The doctor told us to start feeding her rice cereal, but as you can see from the pictures, I'm not real sure she likes it! I can't believe how much she has grown and actually that she is 4 months old. It doesn't seem like she's been around that long already! Other than that we don't have anything exciting going on, just trying to find enough time to get the tree up and decorated, as well as the house and get our Christmas shopping done, and cards out. So, I guess with all that to do, I should stop writing these posts and get to it! By the way...there are some new pictures up, you know what to do, just click on the link!

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