The third and final (boo hoo) installment of the Witches on Parole series landed in my inbox early last week. I don't know what it is about these books (I think Geary puts a magic spell on them or something) but I'm like a child when I find out a new one is headed my way. I will stay up until all hours of the night, ignoring pretty much everything else until I finish it. There is a wonderful magic about this series and these characters...I swear I would love to live in this place and have these characters be my neighbors! Anyway, on to the book review...
Elsie and Lizard's time with witchlight is quickly drawing to a close. They have discovered parts of themselves they never new existed and found a sense of belonging and love they never knew they were missing. Both Lizard and Elsie have a large hurdle they need to overcome and with the help of the witching community and each other they are sure to accomplish it.
I cannot say enough about this series. In my 25+ years of reading, I can honestly say Geary's books are some of my absolute favorites. How many more ways can I say this...GO READ THIS SERIES!!!
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