Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my attempt to write something of substance...

I know I've been sort of "phoning in" this one post a day thing, but I don't have a lot to talk about or I'm too exhausted by the end of the day to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard if you will).  I'm at a loss for what to say, things are the same, no big news to share, no huge revelations or solving of great mysteries.  Our days are strangely ordinary, with the exception of missing Bob dearly.  We're doing OK, getting by, making plans...just not the plans we thought we'd be making by now.  I truly thought when we put our house on the market in February (yes it has really been that long) that by Christmas time we'd be settling into a new house enjoying this new chapter in our lives.  Now, that isn't to say things aren't going just fine, but we're still in the same holding pattern.  On the bright side, the kids are doing well, other than missing daddy.  They played outside until it was dark tonight.  I love that about living here, they have spent so much more time outside and they love it.  They were already talking about going sledding when it snows again.  They are keeping me going and keeping me focused on the good stuff.  Alright, now that everyone is finally asleep, I need to try to get some sleep myself to get rid of this headache that has been plaguing me all day.  Until tomorrow friends!

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