Friday, January 14, 2011

delurking day...

I see around the blogosphere that today is national delurking day!  Today you're supposed to come out and comment on blogs that you read but don't comment on.  I'll be honest...I don't comment very often on the blogs I read, but today I've already commented on two that I almost never comment on (I mostly comment on the blogs of people I know in real life) and I'm trying to comment on many more.  I know from my stats (yes I do look at them) that I have many more pageviews a day than I have comments or people that I actually know read here.  So...come on...I'll even make it easy for you, leave a comment and tell me the last book you read and let me know if I should read it (if you're not a big reader...tell me the last movie you watched and if I should watch it)  just tell me something! :)  Ready...set...go!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

You know I'm not a new commenter, but I was totally intrigued by the word "delurking" - hilarious! And, this probably shouldn't count (because I haven't read it all yet), but my recent book comment is "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst. It's all about our relationship (often struggles) with food and eating healthy from a "Jesus-girl" perspective. She's hilarious! It'll be on the NY Times Bestsellers' next release list.