Wednesday, December 02, 2009

a year ago today...

(note: this is more for my memory than anything else, it may not interest you, if it doesn't that is OK just go buy some of my jewelry instead. Haha!!)

I started off my morning with a trip to the OB (OK...please read the title...a year ago as in 12/2/08...I am not pregnant...I'm reminiscing!). My 36 week checkup to be exact. Bob went with, I don't remember exactly why. The doctor was running late...I mean REALLY late. I think we waited in the exam room for over an hour. Bob was getting antsy...I had to physically restrain him from going into the hallway and asking if they had forgotten about us. Finally the doctor came in, listened to the heartbeat and rushed out. We seriously saw him for about 5 minutes. We both went off to work, not knowing how in less than 24 hours our lives would be drastically changed. I remember getting to work and walking through the warehouse of the building and slipping on some water...I fell to the floor...I landed as gracefully as a 36 week pregnant lady can (which is to say not very) but thankfully was not hurt. I walked into the office and apologized profusely for being so late. I sat down and got to work. For some reason my boss was out that afternoon so I was in the office by myself. I was caught up on work so I decided to kind of "clean out" my computer of anything personal. I knew I'd be leaving my job once the baby came and I was taking advantage of the quiet time to get some stuff done. About 3:30 a client called and needed something scanned and emailed to her. I pulled out the files got everything I needed ready and went in the other office to begin scanning. As I stood there (about 4pm) I knew something wasn't quite right. It was sort of funny because I remember thinking...either my water has just broke/has a leak or I have lost all control of my bladder. I sat at my desk for the next hour (this was nothing like when my water broke with Brianna...there was no question then about what had happened) my heart racing...wondering if this was it. Of course, I said nothing to anyone and at 5pm I rushed out of the office to my car. I was 1/2 way home when I decided to call Bob and talk things through. I think my exact words were "Um...something funny happened and I think my water may have broke...but I'm not sure. What should I do?" This was probably not the best thing to do to a man who was driving. I felt so silly, like I should know if my water broke. I had the biggest fear of going into the hospital saying my water broke and them saying "um sorry just wet your pants!" We called the hospital and they said to come on in, then we called Bob's parents to come watch Brianna. I got home and packed a bag (of course I wasn't packed...I had 4 weeks left). As I packed my mom called and asked what I was doing. I told her I was packing a bag and she said "going to be prepared this time huh?" and I replied "no...I think my water broke". She stammered out something and then said...I'll let you go pack. Call me later. After I was packed I sat around waiting for Bob and his parents. We headed to the hospital around 6pm. The nurses checked me all out and confirmed that my water had broken. They started antibiotics (as the strep B test that I had taken that morning hadn't come back) and said they would find out if the doctor on call wanted to start pitocin or just see how things went. At some point pitocin was started and I started having contractions, drugs were given, I tried to rest...didn't work. I texted from my hospital bed and read emails from a friend recapping our class reunion that I had missed the weekend before, watched the same episode of Family Guy about 3 times, and a very ill-timed episode of Law & Order SVU when a pregnant woman is murdered. (why do I remember all of this stuff?). In case anyone was wondering...Bob slept! :)
All of that happened a year ago today. It seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday all at the same time. December 2, last day of last day of being pregnant...the last day we were a family of 3...the last day of not knowing how much more love would be in our house.
December 2, 2008....the end of another chaper in our lives.

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