Saturday, December 06, 2008


Is there anything worse than feeling helpless when it comes to your children? Bryce is jaundiced and his levels are high enough and his weight loss is great enough that he has landed himself in the NICU for a couple of days (most likely). He went for a checkup this morning after being discharged yesterday and Bob had to take him to outpatient lab to have his billyruben (sp?) checked. The called us an hour or so later and informed us that we needed to take him back to the hospital to be admitted. He has lost about 9oz since birth (about 10% of his weight) and his billyruben level was at 16. So he was admitted this afternoon/evening and is enjoying some time in an isolette under the lights. There is nothing we can do except sit there an watch him. I wish so much I could make it all better, wondering if there is something I could have/should have done differently. My head knows that he is going to be fine and that if you need to have your baby in the NICU, this is probably the best thing to have. But my heart is breaking.


Anonymous said...

It'll be ok... I've seen lots of babies with levels of 18-20 and they turn out fine... I know its scary but hang in there!

Abbie said...

Bryce and your whole family are in my prayers. I know that everything will be okay. Keep us posted on how he is doing.