Saturday, November 08, 2008

more changes...

No, it is not twins! :) Things have been a little bit hectic around here lately, we've been gone the last couple weekends (I know you are all shocked) but now we are home pretty much until the baby comes. I guess that is to say we have no official plans to travel over the next 2 months. The biggest thing going on around here is that I have officially resigned at my current job. My last day will be December 19th, I gave them a couple months notice so as to give them a chance to find my replacement before tax season hit. I know it seems silly in this economy to give up a decent job, but for us right now it was the right decision. I'm looking forward to spending time with the new baby and Brianna. I went back to work when Brianna was 5 weeks old, so I still, 3 years later, feel like I missed out on a lot when she was a baby. In reality, the timing of this baby and the nature of my job, I would basically miss out on the first 4-5 months of this baby's life. My job is pretty consuming (especially during tax season), and there is just no way I can do it. I've been there almost 6 years, so this was a tough decision for me, and I am definitely going to miss a lot of the people I have come to know over the last 6 years, but I'm excited about the new turn life is going to take. I probably will not remain home forever, but for the first few months at least I will be focused on the kids.

I guess that is the biggest change going on with us, but in other good news Brianna is potty trained. She has been for a little while, I just didn't want to jinx us! I'm enjoying not changing diapers (at least for a little bit of time :)

Today was our first Saturday at home in a while and we spent the day going to the library, going to Target, and making cookies and cupcakes. It has been a fun day for the most part (except that a certain 3-year-old hasn't napped at all). But we're enjoying our time together and we're trying to enjoy the last few weeks of us being a family of 3 before our new arrival comes!

I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday and all is well, I go back in 2 weeks, hopefully everything stays on course. I'm getting a bit uncomfortable (I don't remember being this uncomfortable with Brianna) but thankfully we are both healthy and that is all I can ask for.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and I'll hopefully be posting more in the near future.

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