Wednesday, January 30, 2008

just popping in...

Hey all...yes, we are still alive and well. Things have been super crazy at work, and we've had company the last couple of weekends, so the time to post has been few and far between. (that and when I'm actually on the computer at night...I tend to choose to play euchre...I blame Steve for that addiction. :) Two weekends ago, Ben & Amanda came down to go out to dinner and to just hang out for the weekend. We went to Shula's Steakhouse (very yummy) and then came back to the house for some board and card games. Matt, Steph, and Kadi also came over to join in the fun and a good time was had by all. Last week was a super long week at work (averaging over 12 hours a and on Saturday Steve and Alli came up to visit. Their 5th anniversary was last Friday and they were leaving for vacation and were flying out of O'Hare, so they came up and are leaving their car here while they are gone. It was a good excuse to see them. This coming weekend Bob and I are heading to Peoria to visit Dawn & Chris and to see Minus Six play in Peoria. We're both really looking forward to it and are happy that we've gotten a chance to see our friends this month. Things will definitely slow down on the traveling front after that at least until tax season is over (but does it really ever end? not in our office) Other than that not too much exciting going on here. (do I type that in every post?) Anyway...I'll leave you with a couple pictures of Brianna, she is turning into quite the ham these days.

Updated to add: Well I was going to leave you with pictures of Brianna, but Blogger is being a pain and won't let me. I promise to upload some new pics soon!

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