I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to write to you on your 2nd birthday for a while now, but I couldn’t quite find the right words to say exactly how I was feeling. I’m excited and a little sad, worried, and yet so incredibly proud of you. I’m pretty much every emotion all rolled up in one today. I wish for all those times back that I thought… “I can’t wait until she starts crawling, walking, talking, etc.” They all went too fast…I want them back… to be able to take them in…to cherish those precious moments…to hold on to them just a little longer. But I know I can’t keep you a baby any longer…you are determined to grow into a little girl, and I couldn’t stop you even if I wanted to. I hear a lot more of “no mommy” lately. You want to do everything yourself, and most things you are quite capable of, and while my heart fills with pride and joy over your accomplishments, it also breaks just a tiny bit that you don’t need me as much anymore. I’m always there…watching, waiting…ready to kiss your boo-boos and hug you and give you kisses when you need comfort…I will always be there. No matter how old you are…I will always be there to give you hugs and kisses when you need comfort. I know someday you’ll be horribly embarrassed by this blog and the countless pictures of you, but my hope is that one day you’ll appreciate and maybe even enjoy reading my thoughts about the milestones in your life. As you blow out your candles today…these are the wishes and hopes I have for you.
I wish you compassion…for anyone and everyone who comes into your life.
I wish you kindness…towards those around you, even if they are not kind to you
I wish you understanding and tolerance… of individuals that have ideas different than your own
I wish you courage…to stand up for what you believe in
I wish you love…the kind of love that makes you a better person
I wish you trust…trust yourself, your friends, your family…and your heart
I wish you friendship…the kind of friendship that lessens your sorrow and increases your joy
I wish you dreams…big ones!
I wish you determination…to always continue to strive for those big dreams
I wish you time…to stop and enjoy life
I wish you faith…in God and yourself
I wish you laughter… I hope that you can always find a reason to laugh and that you can even laugh at yourself from time to time
I wish you confidence…to do and say the things you believe in
I wish you childhood…stay my baby just a little longer…OK?
I wish you family…to know where you came from and to know how much you are loved
I hope that you never get your heart broken, but if you do…
I hope you don’t let it stop you from letting others love you.
I hope that the adversities you face are small and that you only grow stronger from them.
I hope you always, always know how much you are loved.
I hope you know how beautiful you are…both inside and out.
I hope you know what a lucky little girl you are to have all 4 of your great-grandmas
I hope you will appreciate the stories about your great-grandpas and know how much they love you without ever meeting you
I hope you know how dearly your grandparents, aunt, uncles, & cousin love you
I hope I’m the mommy that you deserve
I hope I tell you enough every day how much I love you
I hope that even when we disagree, you know I always have your best interest at heart
I hope you know that you can always lean on me
I hope you know how proud I am of you
I hope you’ll forgive me someday for rambling on and on in this post! :)
I used all these words and still couldn’t say everything I wanted to. I will leave you with one last wish I have for you…
I wish for you to be exactly who you are…nothing more… nothing less…because who you are is perfect.
I love you sweet girl!
Happy 2nd Birthday!