Thursday, June 21, 2007

relay for life...

If you know know I hate asking for anything, but a couple times a year I make an exception to that. There are two causes that are near and dear to my heart.

One, is the March of Dimes, in which I point you to Dale and Suzanne's blog (which most of you read anyway!) because they are much more versed and eloquent in speaking of this organization, if you're new to their blog...browse through their archives and you will see just how important your support of the March of Dimes is.

The other is the American Cancer Society, and specifically the Relay for Life. This is my 3rd year participating (although I don't know if you can count the first year because I wasn't really there...having just had my baby girl!)...anyway...not the point. For the last 3 years my family has participated in the Dyersville Area Relay for Life. As most of you know my grandpa passed away from his brief battle with lung cancer 2 years ago. For most of us, cancer has touch our lives in one way or another, and if it hasn't touched your life on a deeply personal are lucky, and I'm asking you to donate to this wonderful cause so that maybe you can live your whole life never having been affected on a personal level. Don't wait until you've lost someone you love to this disease to wake up and start doing something about it, what, I'm ashamed to say, is what it took for me.

I'm asking you all to look inside your hearts and donate or come walk with us on August 3rd, or both. My personal page where you can donate is linked here, but honestly...donate anywhere you want, the important thing is to get money for research...we're all in it for the same reasons.

My love to you all, and thank you to all who choose to donate!

*I'm also creating a link on the sidebar for when you can't see this post anymore*

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