Sunday, March 11, 2007

weekend o'fun...

We had some visitors this weekend! Alli and Steve came up Friday night and we went to the Cubby Bear North to see Minus Six play. Ben and Amanda met us at the bar. We had such a great time and it was so much fun to see our friends, and the band was amazing as always! :) We decided to go all out and make it a real night on the town (Bob and Nancy watched Brianna, thanks again!)
So we arrived at the bar in style.

We then enjoyed some great music

A few drinks :) and some great company

We made it home finally sometime after 3am and I think I finally made it to bed sometime around 5:30. It was a great time (however I am reminded that I'm not in college anymore and its hard to stay up that late!) Well, I won't bore you with the rest of the details from the night, but there are some additional pictures so check out the latest pictures. I know I promised you new pictures of Brianna, but I don't have any quite yet. I know Nancy took a bunch over the weekend, so when I get some of those I'll post them. I'll try to post again soon! Lots of love to all!

Thanks again Alli & Steve for visiting, it was so great to see you guys, love you much! :)

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