Thursday, June 22, 2006

relay for life

While in college I took a course entitled "Death & Dying". Yes, I actually took this class, and I yes I really enjoyed it. During this class we had to create a "family tree" of sorts that made us talk to our families about death and to actually find out how members of our extended family had died. In doing this project, I discovered something I found quite alarming...cancer is quite prevalent on both sides of my family. Although until that point cancer had only touched my life in one grandma had been diagnosed with breast cancer, but she had battled and won. Then as some of you know, in December of 2004 my grandpa was diagnosed with lung cancer. He battled with everything he had, but a short 7 weeks after his diagnosis, the cancer took his life.

On August 4 I will be participating in the Relay for Life. The Relay for Life is an overnight walk to raise money for cancer research. If any of you out there would like to donate money to this wonderful cause please email me using the link to the right (thanks Dale :), and I will contact you with more details. I know a lot of you that frequently read my blog are individuals I will be walking with that night, but for those of you who are not, I'm asking you to look into your hearts and donate to this more than worthy cause.

I'm usually not one to ask people for money, it actually makes me quite uncomfortable, so you have to know how much I believe in this to be asking.

I can only hope that one day, my daughter will not have to know what its like to lose someone to cancer. That is something that will only be possible if we continue to raise money to fund research. Then maybe one day all of our children will grow up in a world where cancer is just something they read about.

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