Since last weekend had a picture of me & Brianna, I decided that it was only fair to put a picture of Brianna & her daddy on this weeks post. We spent the weekend traveling....first to Iowa to see Mom & Dad, and then to Moline to spend some time with Alli & Steve. It was kind of a hectic weekend, but it was very fun. We don't get to see Alli & Steve much, so we had a great time chatting with them. And apparently Alli & I had a lot to catch up on and were keeping a certain someone awake (Steve :o) ). We stayed and watched most of the Astros/Braves game, but ended up leaving in the 16th inning. We also unfortunately saw the Bears game, hence the biggest and littlest Bears fans to the left! :o) We did listen to the Sox game on the way to Iowa on Friday night and were very excited about their victory! Can't wait to see what tomorrow night's game brings! OH...I almost forgot, Brianna had her 2 month check up on Friday. She is now weighing in at 10 pounds and is 22 inches long. She also had to get 4 shots on Friday, but did very well. She's a tough cookie! Hopefully I'm as tough when they make me get a flu shot this year...yuck! Other than that, we're just working and trying to keep our house off of the federally declared disaster area list! I hope everyone is doing well, we love to hear how everyone is doing, so please keep in touch. I've added our email address to the left so you don't even have to look it up or anything! :o) I have added some new pictures from the weekend and from this morning (she just looked so cute I couldn't help myself from taking pictures of her) they are in the Volume 3 album. Take care of yourselves...until next time.....
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