Monday, August 02, 2021


 Dear B,

I truly cannot believe you turn 16 today. In so many ways it feels like just yesterday you made your way into this world and changed our lives forever. I was totally unprepared that day and I am equally as unprepared for this day and this new chapter of your life. I'm so excited for you and your new found freedom and independence but it is also a little sad for me...because even though I sometimes complain about shuttling you back and forth to practice, lessons, and appointments, I always secretly cherished those times where we would talk on those drives back and forth. Somedays they were tough conversations and tears, others just light hearted chats and laughs but one thing you could always count on was lots of off-key singing. This last year has had some ups and downs. Navigating your first year of high school along with all of the challenges of the pandemic certainly didn't make things easy, but in true B made the best of it. You challenged yourself to try new things and step out of your comfort zone, and you discovered you loved speech and the spring musical (I won't even tell you I told you so). This year also brought new softball teammates and coaches into your life and I saw your love of softball come back tenfold. Your confidence has soared. It was probably my favorite thing about this year, watching you out there on that field or in the dugout with your teammates brings me so much joy, because I know it brings you so much joy. I am constantly in awe of the person and woman you are becoming. You are already so certain of who you are and your zero tolerance for BS is something I greatly admire. I hope these are qualities that continue to strengthen in time and that you always are kind and give people the benefit of the doubt, but stand firm in what you believe. You, my beautiful girl, are one of a kind and this world is a much brighter place with you in it. I can't believe how quickly we got to this place where you can drive and are so close to leaving home, but here we are and I can only hope we've prepared you to make good choices and that you always know, no matter what, how much you are loved. I also hope that you'll occasionally still let me ride along to your practices with you so we can sing at the top of our lungs and laugh until we cry. I love you sweet girl, with my whole heart. Happy 16th, I hope it is the sweetest one yet.

Love you always and forever,

Mother Amber (aka Mom 😘)

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