Sunday, December 26, 2010

the aftermath...

Our living room looks like a toy store exploded, there are dirty dishes sitting in the sink, and I am sitting in my pajamas, is definitely the day after Christmas.  The kids got a lot of great gifts, wooden food, lincoln logs, puzzles, games...tons of stuff for imaginative play.  LOVE those kinds of gifts. Bob's family came over and we ate, played with the kids, worked on a puzzle and played a card game.  It was such a great day.  Today however, I am exhausted.  I would love nothing more than to curl up in bed with a new book  and alternate between reading and napping, but I will instead get my butt up, clean up the kitchen and submit to the many requests to "play with me" and "help me', because really...isn't that what the aftermath of Christmas is really about?   We still have some Christmas to celebrate this week and we are excited to see more family, but maybe I can have a nap first...otherwise I might not make it through!  Enjoy your Sunday of aftermath everyone!!  
**new pictures on shutterfly**

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