Saturday, December 27, 2008

christmas 2008...

Wow, can it really be over already. Does it seem to anyone else that Christmas comes and goes extremely fast these days? Granted this year was not exactly typical for us, but still, it seems like we just got the tree and decorations up and now its time to put them away. We had a good Christmas. Brianna really enjoyed the whole thing and was so excited with her gifts. We went to Crystal Lake on Christmas Eve to spend time with Bob's family and go to church with them (yes we took Bryce to church even though we weren't really supposed to). Christmas day we spent at home in our pjs, playing games, putting together puzzles, napping, reading. All-in-all a perfect day. We are heading to Iowa on Wednesday to round out our holidays for 2008, we are looking forward to seeing family and having Bryce meet his Aunt Angie, Uncle Nick, Braden & Jackson. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your loved ones. We wish you all a happy and healthy 2009!

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