As I looked at Brianna the other day I thought to myself "where did my baby go?" She has been replaced with this sassy, adorable, push-me-to-my-limits little girl. I've seen a lot of people posting about this lately...but I swear I was thinking it first! :) As we approach her 2nd birthday, part of me misses the little baby who used to love to snuggle in my arms and used to rely on me for everything, but as I look at my little girl, I can't help but fall deeper in love every day with the girl she is becoming. She is independent, stubborn (she gets that from her Daddy! ;), funny, clumsy (from her dad also!) and adorable...believe me I could go on and on. Some days she makes me want to run screaming for the hills, but in the next moment she is making me laugh until I cry. I see her and watch her everyday but yet it didn't hit me until the other day that she is growing up in those moments where I wasn't looking. She amazes (and frightens) me everyday with the things she does, and the things she tries to do...really when did all of this happen? I probably don't say this enough...but being a mom is truly such a wonderful thing, there is no greater joy and sadness than realizing your baby has turn from this:
Into this:
Hope you all had a wonderful 4th! We are off to Milwaukee today to spend an extended weekend with the Goodness's, and then next weekend we're off to Iowa for Tina and Randy's wedding, and the following weekend we are off to Minnesota to spend a long weekend with the Isaacson's. So the posts may be few and far between, but hopefully there will be lots of new pictures to stay tuned! Lots of love to all of you! Have a great weekend!! :)
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