Sunday, March 25, 2007

weekend fun...

There are new pictures's I actually took myself. :) We had a good weekend at home, although in all honesty we didn't do much. We went for a walk yesterday, I did some work, we napped, Bob watched I said, nothing too exciting. Today we went to church then to get groceries and to get Brianna a new carseat, we had one in Bob's car that someone had given us...but it was no longer working out. We also bought Brianna her Easter dress, which I think is absolutely adorable!! (The pictures of her in it are not very good 'cause she wouldn't hold still).

There are quite a few pictures of the mess Brianna made of herself eating her first cupcake since we found out she's no longer allergic to dairy. She still can't have eggs for a few more months...but I had heard about using a box cake mix and mixing it with a diet pop (instead of the eggs, oil, etc) so I tried it out and they are really good...and Brianna can eat them...and 1/2 the calories! Everyone wins! As you can tell by the pictures she completely enjoyed it!

We spent the last couple hours outside today playing....other than that nothing exciting. Well I guess I should go and pay some bills and then do some more work. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Have a good week! Lots of love!

*Blogger is being a pain and won't let me upload pictures to the post, so click on the link to see them*

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