Well...its been an interesting week around our house. I got a call on Thursday from Brianna's daycare that she had a fever and they needed me to come get her. At the time they also let me know that one of her little classmates had exposed her to scarlet fever (strep with a rash basically...it sounds much worse than it is). The mom of the other child called as soon as they knew, but obviously all the other kids had been exposed already. The joys of having a kid in daycare :) Anyway, I picked her up and you could tell she didn't feel good, she was pretty mopey and took a nap when we got home. After her Tylenol kicked in she was eating and running around like a crazy person. So we hoped that it was just a fluke that she had a fever. I didn't take her to the doctor right away because she only had a low grade fever and had absolutely no other symptoms. Anyway, when we went to be we checked on her and she was pretty warm so we tried to give her another dose of Tylenol. Well...thats when it hit the fan. She got sick and continued to get sick on and off for the next hour or so. We got very little sleep Thursday night and made a doctor appointment for her for right away Friday morning. By the time we were dressing her for the doctor on Friday the rash had appeared. We got to the doctor's office and he took a quick look at her throat and immediately said that she had strep and a pretty bad case by the looks of it. So scarlet fever it is. She didn't eat much all day Friday, but by today she was practically back to normal. So, we played outside for a little while this afternoon, so she is feeling much better now. Tomorrow we have to spend the day sterilizing all of her toys, blankets, etc...anything she puts in her mouth, so that we can get rid of it. Now as long as Bob and I don't get it...everything should be great! :)
Hope you are all doing well, enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Our love to all!
*a few new pictures of us playing outside today in the latest photos*