new pictures! :o( Sorry, things have been hectic. I know thats no excuse, but to be quite honest, I haven't even taken any new pictures since Christmas. that you've had time to pick yourself up off the floor, from the shock that has just knocked you off of your chair, I'll continue. Today was Brianna's first day of daycare. And no, I didn't cry, I actually transitioned very well. I think Bob having her at home for the last 3 weeks definitely helped with that! When Bob picked her up tonight they told him they wish they had 12 (thats as many as they can have in the nursery) just like her. :o) The only thing that really stinks (besides actually haveing to pay for daycare!)is that I have to get up about an hour earlier than I did when she was coming to work with me. But I'm sure I'll get used to it quickly! She is finally starting to feel better and act more like herself, so that is definitely good. Besides that, I'm busy with tax if I don't post on a regular basis, that is why, but I'll try my best, and Bob is busy catching up at work. We are also busy trying to get organized at home, we're doing pretty well so far, we'll see how long it keeps up! I'll try to take some pictures soon! Love to all!
PS. Keep the prayers coming for Miss McKenna, she has reached the 3 lb mark!! Keep praying and she'll be at home with her mommy and daddy before we know it!! :o)