Friday, December 03, 2021


 My Sweet Bryce,

How in the world are you 13 today? It just doesn't seem possible, I swear it was just yesterday that I was seeing your sweet face for the very first time and holding your tiny little 5lb 7oz body in my arms and wondering how I would ever be able to love you more than I did in that moment. Funny enough, as much as I loved you then (and it was a lot) it is no where near close to as much as I love you now. How do I even put into words this last year? It hasn't always been easy...trying to find a "new normal" amidst all of the craziness of covid and just life in general, but we're by day and we're getting there. You are not a kid who enjoys idle time. You need to be going, busy and around people. (You definitely didn't get this trait from me...there aren't many people who enjoy NOT being around people as much as I do 😁) Sports still are a major part of your life...we are in the thick of wrestling season, but you're also playing jr. high basketball this year so I'm excited to see how that goes for you. I know it will not ever take the place of wrestling, so I'm just enjoying your little 2 year jaunt into this sport before high school hits and wrestling takes over the winter. Baseball, football and golf are still staples in your day to day, it has been so fun watching you compete for your school teams this year. We have been busy but you know we don't mind. Watching you do things that make you happy makes me happy. Last night as you snuggled up by me to watch a movie it hit me how you aren't a little boy anymore. You are an incredibly handsome, smart, kind, hilarious and sweet young man and I couldn't be more proud of the person you are growing into. Some days I miss that little boy who was my sidekick for the first three years of his life, but the person that little boy has changed into is pretty damn great too. I hope you have the best year yet and I hope you always know I love you with my whole heart. 

Happy 13th Bryce!

Love you always and forever,


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